Application Monitoring provides in depth monitoring of web applications, be it a CRM application, banking / finance application or any business critical application. Application Monitoring can also help monitor the underlying infrastructure, which may consist of application servers, databases, systems, mail servers, and others.
Expert application analysis
What’s bottlenecking performance? The app? The CPU? The database? We will setup live monitoring of your application and pin-point bottlenecks. We can do a code review for you and propose changes to speed up your application.
Database We will analyze most used queries, propose changes to queries and database structure. For live application we will monitor all slow queries and deadlocks.
Code performance By partnering up with well known monitoring products, we are offering live monitoring of your code performance and notifying you developers.
Code errors We provide tools to monitor you application on live environment. This tools are implemented into all our applications and provided to our customers for free.
Server availability By building our network of monitoring servers we are able to monitor you servers availability from different location. We are not reliant on only one monitory point.
Server monitoring
Zabbix is the ultimate enterprise-level software designed for real-time monitoring of millions of metrics collected from tens of thousands of servers, virtual machines and network devices.
Monitoring all our and customers servers

Applications events tracking
Every good business starts with understanding its customers. For business decisions it is crucial to know not only how visitors behave, but also to know delays between actions or required time to finish background job. With our event tracking, we will help you track these events and understand the outputs. We are tracking all standard linux log files and custom application events as well. The change is as easy as implementing Google Analytics, but now for server-side. You can track login attempts, number of emails or delay between sent email and clicking on the link email. Every event can be filtered by IP, country, browser, value in the session or anything else. Everything is customizable.